lauantai 8. joulukuuta 2012

Have you ever wanted to scream and just run as far as your legs just carry you?

 I cried when you passed away, I still cry today. 
Although I love you dearly, I couldnt make you stay. 
Your golden heart stopped beating, hard working hands at rest. 
God broke my heart to prove , He only takes the best. 
It's been 10 years now and I can still feel so much pain. 
I know you're in a better place, 
but there's nothing I wish more than to see your face again..
If I die tomorrow, as the minutes fade away
I can't tell have I said all I can say?
You're my everything, you make me feel so alive
It brings out the worst in me, when you're not around
I miss the sound of your voice, the silence seems so loud
I know it's been so rough, honey, we've got a lot to learn
I'm still looking up, God knows we're worth it

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