lauantai 28. huhtikuuta 2012

People always ask, "Do you still like him?" Honestly i don't really know. But i do know there's just something about him i can't let go.

Yes it is true. I miss you.
Your sweet words and the way you held my hands.
The way you looked at me and times you said i was the one.
Times taht you couldn't wait to see me, to kiss me and hold me close.
Your stupid text messages and the way that made me smile.
The times we didn't know what to this with this, this love.
When tehy were talking behind our backs and we knew it didn't have a damn.
And that we still thought we could figure this out..

 ·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·

Do you know that i love you?
I probably already told you, but i'm going to keep saying it.
There are no lies in these words, not one bit. Your smile keeps me alive.
It is one more reason to keep fighting. I would give you my
soul for comfort, even if it leaves me dark and cold.
&& when i hold you close, i can feel your heart beat fast, and i think to myself..
I've found that "someone" at least.

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